Feast of St. Dominic del Val, altar boy killed in Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain, martyred at age 7. Patron of Altar boys, acolytes and choirboys.
Feast of St. Jeanne Jugan
Feast of St. Jeanne Jugan, Sister Mary of the Cross, L.S.P., French nun, Founder, Little Sisters of the Poor. Patron the destitute elderly.
Feast of St. Velleicus
Feast of St. Velleicus, Anglo-Saxon Benedictine abbot, disciple of St. Swithbert, evangelized Germany, abbot of Kaiserswerth on the Rhine.
Feast of St. Augustine of Hippo
Feast of St. Augustine of Hippo, Bishop. Theologian who formulated the doctrine of original sin. Patron of Brewers, printers, theologians.
Feast of St. Margaret the Barefooted
Feast of St. Margaret the Barefooted, Wife and model of charity. Patron of brides, difficult marriages, victims of abuse, and widows.
Feast of St. Joseph Calasanctius
Feast of St. Joseph Calasanctius, Founder of the Religious Schools, called the Scolopi or Piarists. Patron of Schools. Canonized in 1767.
Feast of St. Louis IX, King of France
Feast of St. Louis IX, King of France. Led 7th & 8th Crusades. Patron of France, Third Order of St. Francis, hairdressers, and Tertiaries.
Feast of St. Jane Antide Thouret
Feast of St. Jane Antide Thouret, Foundress, Institute of the Daughters of Charity in Besancon, France. Patron – Sisters of Divine Charity.
Feast of St. Rose of Lima
Feast of St. Rose of Lima, virgin, lay Dominican, first saint born in the Americas. Patron of gardeners, florists, India and Latin America.
Feast of St. Sigfrid
Feast of St. Sigfrid, deacon and coadjutor of Wearmouth Abbey, elected abbot in 688 on the death of St. Erstwine. He died in 690.