Feast of St. Catherine of Siena, Dominican tertiary, Scholastic philosopher, theologian and a doctor of the Church. Patron diocese of Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA, Europe, illness, Italy, miscarriages, sexual temptation, sick people, sickness and nurses, against fire and bodily ills.
Feast of St. Zita
Feast of St. Zita, Italian servant. Patron of domestic servants, homemakers, lost keys, people ridiculed for their piety, rape victims, single laywomen, waiters, waitresses and the Italian City of Lucca. Died 1272.
Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist
Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, author of the Second Gospel, cousin of St. Barnabas, founder, the Church of Alexandria. Patron of Barristers, Venice, Egypt and Mainar, Spain.
Feast of St. Epipodius and Alexander
Feast of St. Epipodius and Alexander, martyrs. Victims of the persecution in Lyon in AD 177 during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Epipodius is the patron saint of bachelors, victims of betrayal and of torture.
Feast of St. Beuno (anglicized as Bono) 7th-century Welsh abbot, confessor, missionary. Born at Berriew in Powys, descended from Vortigern, king of Britain, ordained at Bangor, Wales, missionary to the kingdom of Gwynedd. Patron of sick children, against diseased cattle.
Feast of St. Agnes of Montepulciano
Feast of St. Agnes of Montepulciano, Dominican prioress in Tuscany, Italy, elected abbess at the age of twenty. Known as a miracle worker. Died 1317.
Feast of St. Pedro de San Jose Betancur
Feast of St. Pedro de San Jose Betancur, Franciscan tertiary, Spanish missionary & founder, Order of Our Lady of Bethlehem. “St. Francis of Assisi of the Americas”. 1st saint native to the Canary Islands,1st saint of Guatemala & Central America.…
Feast of St. Stephen Harding
Feast of St. Stephen Harding, English Cistercian monk and abbot, one of the founders of the Cistercian Order. In 1119, he wrote the Carta Caritatis (Charter of Charity), an important document for the Cistercian Order, establishing its unifying principles. Died…
Feast of St. Drogo
Feast of St. Drogo, penitential pilgrim, anchorite and orphan. Patron of coffee house owners, broken bones, cattle, deafness, hernias, insanity, unattractive people, bodily ills, gallstones, illness, midwives, mute people, mutes, orphans, ruptures, sheep, shepherds and sickness.
Feast of St. Hunna
Feast of St. Hunna, “the Holy Washerwoman”, noblewoman, daughter of a duke, married to Huno of Hunnawetyer. She was devoted to the poor of Strasbourg, France. Mother of St. Deodatus of Lagny. Patron of laundresses, laundry workers, washerwomen.