Feast of St. Arnulf, Benedictine monk martyred by Saracens at Novalese, in Piedmont, Italy. Died in 840.
Feast of St. Dorothy of Montau
Feast of St. Dorothy of Montau, mother of nine, widow and hermitess. Patron of brides, widows, and parents of large families.
Feast of St. Gaetano Errico
Feast of St. Gaetano Errico, Neapolitan priest and founder, Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Patron, Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Canonized 10/12/08 by Pope Benedict XVI.
Feast of St. Jude Thaddeus
Feast of St. Jude Thaddeus (Jude the Apostle), Martyr, one of the twelve Apostles. Patron of Armenia, desperate cases, hospitals, lost causes and the Chicago Police Department.
Feast of St. Odhran of Iona
Feast of St. Odhran of Iona, Irish abbot and founder, Latteragh Abbey, Tipperary. Companion of St. Columba. Patron saint of Waterford, Ireland, Silvermines parish (Bellagowan), Tipperary.
Feast of St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki
Feast of St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki, Megalomartyr, one of the most important military saints, often paired with St. George. Patron of Thessaloniki, Siberia, soldiers, Crusades, agriculture, peasants and shepherds
Feast of Sts. Crispin and Crispinian
Feast of Sts. Crispin and Crispinian, martyrs during the Diocletanic persecutions. Patrons of shoemakers, cobblers, glove makers, lace makers, saddle makers, saddlers, tanners, weavers and leatherworkers. Immortalized by Shakespeare’s St. Crispin’s Day Speech in “Henry V”.
Feast of St. Anthony Mary Claret
Feast of St. Anthony Mary Claret, archbishop & founder, Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, (Claretians). Patron of Weavers, Catholic press, Claretians Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Diocese of the Canary Islands, Technical and Vocational…
Feast of San Juan of Capistrano
Feast of St. Juan of Capistrano, Franciscan friar, preacher, Soldier Saint. In 1456 at age 70, he led a crusade against the invading Ottoman Empire at the siege of Belgrade. Patron of Jurists and military chaplains, the namesake of the…
Feast of St. Pope John Paul II
Feast of St. Pope John Paul II, visited 129 countries in 27 years. Patron of World Youth Day, Young Catholics, Families. Canonized April 27, 2014.