Feast of St. Walstan, farm laborer. Walstan’s mother, St. Blitha of Martham, was a kinswoman of Æthelred the Unready. At the age of 12, Walstan began a life dedicated to farming and the care of farm animals. Patron of farms,…
Feast of St. Maximinus
Feast of St. Maximinus (Maximin) of Trier, fifth Bishop of Trier, opponent of Arianism. Patron of Trier. Invoked as protection against perjury, loss at sea and destructive rains.
Feast of St. Bernard of Montjoux
Feast of St. Bernard of Montjoux, priest and founder of a canonry and hostel at the highest point of the pass named Great St. Bernard, 8,000 feet above sea level, in 1050. Patron of mountaineers, skiers, skateboarders, and the Alps.…
Feast of St. Mariana de Jesús de Paredes
Feast of St. Mariana de Jesús de Paredes, “the Lily of Quito”. First person to be canonized from Ecuador. Patron of Ecuador, Americas, bodily ills, loss of parents, people rejected by religious orders, sick people, and sickness.
Feast of St. Maria Magdalen De Pazzi
Feast of St. Maria Magdalen De Pazzi, discalced Carmelite mystic and healer. Patron of sick people, against bodily ills, against sexual temptation, against sickness. Co-patron of Naples.
Feast of St. David I of Scotland
Feast of St. David I of Scotland, Prince of the Cumbrians, King of the Scots, the youngest son of Malcolm III and St. Margaret of Wessex. He implemented of the ideals of Gregorian Reform and fostered the foundation of monasteries.
Feast of St. William of Rochester
Feast of St. William of Rochester, (also known as St. William of Perth), Scottish baker, palmer ( pilgrim returned from the Holy Land) and martyr, born in Perth, Scotland. He was martyred in Rochester, England. Patron of adopted children.
Feast of St. Rita of Cascia
Feast of St. Rita of Cascia, Italian Augustinian nun, widow. Patron of lost & impossible causes, sickness, wounds, marital problems, abuse, mothers and the unofficial patron saint of baseball due to a reference made to her in the 2002 film…
Feast of St. Eugene de Mazenod
Feast of St. Eugene de Mazenod, French priest, bishop of Marseille and founder, Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Patron of dysfunctional families.
Feast of Bernardino of Siena
Feast of Bernardino of Siena, (Bernardine), Italian priest, Franciscan missionary, and popular preacher “the Apostle of Italy”. Patron of Advertisers, advertising, Aquila, Italy, chest problems, Diocese of San Bernardino, California, gambling addicts and public relations work.