Feast of St. Wulfstan, Benedictine, Bishop of Worcester, England. Born at Long Itchington, Warwickshire. Canonized in May 1203. Patron of vegetarians and dieters.
Feast of St. Deicola
Feast of St. Deicola, Irish Monk, brother of Saint Gall. One of 12 disciples of St. Columbanus. Patron of childhood illnesses. Died 625.
Feast of St. Mildgytha
Feast of St. Mildgytha, Benedictine nun, abbess, daughter of St. Ermenburg & King Merewalh of Mercia. Her sisters were Sts. Milburga & Mildrith. The three sisters have been likened to the three theological virtues: Mildburh to faith, Mildgyth to hope…
Feast of St. Honoratus of Arles
Feast of St. Honoratus of Arles, Bishop, founder, Lerins Abbey, France. Patron for rain, against rain, against drought and against misfortune.
Feast of St. Arnold Janssen
Feast of St. Arnold Janssen, German-Dutch priest and missionary, Founder, Society of the Divine Word, the Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters. Canonized October 5, 2003 by Pope John Paul II.
Feast of St. Macrina the Elder
Feast of St. Macrina the Elder, Grandmother of Sts. Basil & Gregory of Nyssa. Patron of widows, invoked against poverty.
Feast of St. Kentigern Mungo
Feast of St. Kentigern Mungo, first bishop of the Strathclyde Britons, son of a British princess, raised by St. Serf. He is known as the Apostle of Northwestern England and Southwestern Scotland. Patron of Penicuik, Glasgow, salmon, Scotland and against…
Feast of St. Benedict Biscop
Feast of St. Benedict Biscop, Anglo-Saxon Benedictine Abbot, founder, Monkwearmouth-Jarrow Priory, Jarrow, England. Former thegn of King Oswiu. Patron of English Benedictines, musicians, painters, Sunderland, England.
Feast of Saints Paldo, Tato and Taso
Feast of Saints Paldo, Tato and Taso, Benedictine monks. The three brothers from Benevento, Italy founded San Vincenzo monastery at the site of a Constantinian oratory. Each then served as Abbot.
Feast of Saint Pietro Orseolo
Feast of Saint Pietro Orseolo, O.S.B. Cam. Venetian Admiral, Doge of Venice who built hospitals and cared for widows, orphans and pilgrims for two years, then abdicated and became a Camaldolese Monk at Saint-Michel-de-Cuxa abbey, Prades, France. Canonized in 1731.