1. The work of the Catholic nurse is a valuable service to life, expressing a profoundly human and Christian commitment, undertaken and carried out as a form of Christian witness through a vigilant and caring presence at the bedside or in alternative practice settings.
2. The Catholic nurse forms an interpersonal relationship with the patient that blends trust and conscience, requiring personal empathy with the concrete situations of each patient.
3. The Catholic nurse is guided by a holistic human vision of illness and adopts a wholly human approach to the suffering patient, requiring the total commitment of the nurse.
4. The Catholic nurse is a ministerial instrument of God’s love, mutually integrating profession, vocation and mission.
5. The Catholic nurse believes that their work is a therapeutic ministry, sharing in the pastoral and evangelizing work of the Church.
6. Besides technical-professional competence, the nurse has ethical responsibilities founded on respect for the dignity of the person and the rights of the sick.
7. The Catholic nurse continually expands on their solid ethical-religious formation, which promotes appreciation of Christian values and refines their moral conscience.
8. The Catholic nurse participates in and supports the formation of ethics committees to safeguard and advocate for patient rights and dignity of life.
9. The Catholic nurse believes that their sphere of action embraces prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for greater equilibrium and the physical, psychic and spiritual well-being of the person, including all that concerns health policy, legislation, programming and structures, a synthesis that humanizes medicine.
10. The Catholic nurse accepts the charter of ethical fidelity.